Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal 2: Join the Flock (NETS-T 5)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

   Hadley Ferguson, a Pennsylvania middle school teacher, focused on the basic functions of Twitter in her article. She went step by step in a graduated level of exposure to explain to potential users how to effectively use Twitter. There was also a helpful glossary of Twitter terms. The information helped me to understand how Retweeting works. I knew what it means to Retweet someone, but didn't know how to do it. Retweeting is similar to citing someone's work you are using; it gives credit to the person for posting their link, thoughts or other useful information. Twittiquette similar to nettiquette, shows people that you appreciate what they posted and are reposting it in an effort to reach more people who could benefit from the information. Desktop platforms such as HootSuite and TweetDeck are organizers tweeple can use to translate tweets from foreign languages, which is so cool!

Question 1: Is it hard to get in depth insight from 140 characters?
I feel like it is hard to go into any depth with Twitter since you can only include 140 characters in posts and messages. I get the impression that Twitter is more about giving people resources so that individuals can do more research on their own. The idea is that Twitter is a microblog. Basically, it cuts out the fat and only gives you the most essential stuff. It has drastically changed how people get their news, both foreign and local.

Question 2: To what extent should you remove yourself personally from your Twitter postings?
If you are using Twitter for your professional life it is recommended to spend 10% of your time on trivial life details. This becomes increasingly difficult for today's youth where the lines between professional and private life have been blurred. Often it is recommend to keep two separate twitter accounts, one for work and one for your personal life. In some cases, people will run the schools' or business' account so their professional account is already established. Still it is important to establish an identity since many people are not able to meet their followers if they don't live in the same community.

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