Monday, August 8, 2011

Journal 9: Adaptive Technology (NETS-S 1&3)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices serve as tools to those who have severe or significant speech impairments (cerebral palsy, intellectual impairments, autism, dyspraxia, aphasia, strokes and traumatic brain injuries), so that they can can express themselves quickly and specifically. The two types of communication are high and low tech. High tech is something that involves technology or that is electronic such as a computer. Low tech is something that is more simplified, often times more affordable. One example of a low tech device is picture exchange cards (PECS). BoardMaker is a type of PECS, which teachers use to make charts, schedules and games. People can search the database which has more than 4,500 communication symbols and pick out certain illustrations with the word next to it, to create a story with new vocabulary or explain to the student what is going to happen next that day. One high tech tool is a text to speech device is the LightWriter. The primary user types in what s/he wants to say and the words come out on the other side's screen and are pronounced through a small speaker.

Input devices are for students with physical impairments, so that they are able to type through the help of non traditional means. The two types of accessibility devices are hardware and software. Hardware is something that attaches to a computer and people can physically touch such as a keyboard. TetraMouse is one example of input hardware. It is a dual joystick with three buttons on top that can be operated by holding it in someone's lips or tongue, if that person does not have head mobility. Software is a computer program that has been developed for people with accessibility needs. NaturallySpeaking is a software tool that allows people who cannot physically type or for whom it is painful to type to speak into a headset and have that be transcribed on the computer. It is 99% effective and overtime recognizes students' speech patterns.

Journal 10: How to Pay for Your One-to-One Program (NETS-T 1-5)

Kiker, R. (2011, August). How to pay for your one-to-one program. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(1), Retrieved from 

Rich Kiker talks about school districts cutting costs because state and federal budgets are low. At the same time, it's increasingly important for students to become technologically proficient to get into competitive colleges and get the jobs they want. One of the ways to ensure students are prepared is by making sure each student has access to their own computer. Two ways Kiker advocates for funding a one-to-one laptop to student ratio are through technology purchase programs and donor programs. In technology purchase programs, not just students, but anyone in the district who is a taxpayer can purchase laptops, netbooks or tablets and computer programs such as MS Office at a reduced cost that the school has worked out with vendors. He says the first step is making sure your school is web ready by getting steady access to wifi and setting up appropriate firewalls.

Question 1: What is the difference between technology purchase and donor programs?

Technology purchase programs expect parents to pay for their student's computer. Donor programs partner with community businesses or philanthropists to cover the cost of computers for students who cannot afford their own. One of the ways students earn donations is through working with local companies to create websites, type spreadsheets and help with IT. While students cannot accept direct compensation, they can have the business donate to a technology fund.

Question 2: What are the advantages of getting rid of traditional computer labs?
The fees associated with computer maintenance for programs such as computer science and digital arts can be used elsewhere. Also, many schools have a finite amount of space and this allows them to hold other classes where the computer labs were. If students save assignments to their desktop, they can now take the computer home with them. This reduces electricity costs overall.

Journal 8: Find the Truth about the Pacific Tree Octopus (NETS-T 1&2)

Ferrell, K. (2011, August). Find the truth about the pacific tree octopus. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(1), Retrieved from 

In this article, Keith Ferrell taught his students a lesson about research. He had them type in specific search criteria into Google's search engine for projects on "The Tree Octopus" and "All About Explorers." Students clicked on the links for the top results and wrote down information they assumed to be factual, such as Bill Gates helped finance one of Magellan's expeditions. After discussing the class' findings, students began to find holes in the research. One of the main websites was developed by teachers to show the pitfalls of blindly Googling with using critical thinking skills. Also, just because there are pictures included, doesn't mean those weren't photoshopped.

Question 1: Why is it important students know how to properly research?
 Each year, students will use research for new, more challenging projects. It is essential they have a strong base of skills to build from. Students should be able to discern what primary and secondary sources are. Students need to be able to question sources for bias, expertise and quality.

Question 2:What are some basics students should know when looking for reputable sites?
Students should look at the URL suffixes such as .com, .org, .gov and .edu because each type of site has different standards it is held to. Students should also ask critical thinking questions about the sources such as who, what, where, when, why, how?

Journal 6: Student Voices for Change (NETS-T 1-4)

Miller, S.M. (2011, June/July). Student voices for change. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from 

In the article, "Student Voices for Change," Shannon McClintock Miller talks about the positive effect the computers had on students when Van Meter Community School instituted at 1:1 laptop to student ratio. The use of technology emboldened students and they are now making themselves heard; by constantly showcasing and presenting their work, their confidence increases. Students worked on projects such as 3D modeling, Prezi, as well as making videos using iMovie and YouTube. Miller and the school district had the students present to other educators via Skype and in person to Iowa politicians. One of the main things I worry about is how public schools can afford to purchase all those computers? The school mentioned was in Iowa, whose population is obviously much smaller than California.

Question 1: What is an example of a local school that has a 1:1 laptop to student ratio?
High Tech High School in Point Loma, is a local charter school that has a laptop for each student. They focus on project-based learning, and incorporate technology into daily curriculum. Students complete internships with local companies, giving them practical, hand-on learning experience that can be applied in the real world.

Question 2: Does constant access to technology make students more reserved?
No, it does not, as is evidence by the students who use blogs to make their voices heard. Students from Van Meter, seem to be more connected to one another because they have multiple opportunities to express themselves. Students who may be shy in a tradition setting can be loud voices for change online.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Journal 7: My Personal Learning Network

A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a professional reciprocal network to connect with, learn from, gather resources and share what you have learned on sites such as Twitter and Diigo. My PLN gives me the ability to connect with other teachers, administrators and experts that live in other cities and countries. We share strategies of how we can best impact our students.

I set up a Twitter last year, but was only using it to contribute random thoughts into the vast interweb. I now use it as an educational tool. I use it to connect with people who teach similar subjects or age groups or teachers who are dedicated to similar social causes such as diversity and closing the achievement gap. My network includes teachers, teacher credentialing students, educational policy experts and close friends that use social media in their daily jobs. Basically I am connected to other people that can provide me with resources for my classroom. I attempted to participate in the New Teacher Chat (where I wasn't familiar with the technology they were discussing) and Gifted Students Chat (where I wasn't familiar with the inclusion policy for districts they were discussing). I settled on the Mid Level Education Chat on July 28 from 5-6 p.m., where we discussed how you can get students to create dialogue in the classroom. I gave suggestions via HootSuite for face to face interaction and technology. It was interesting seeing people posting from all different mediums: phones, iPads and different Twitter software. The dialogue moved fast, but not too fast, one of the perks of smaller discussion group. I responded to people posting and they replied to me to share ideas I hadn't though of, it was very useful and inclusive.
You can use Diigo to publicly bookmark sites that serve as resources for classroom activities; you can also view those that other educators post. You can find people that use similar tags and connect with them by adding them to your network. I follow the director of a multimedia language center, an IT high school teacher, an EFL instructor, an E-Learning and writing specialist, and a SpEd poster. I follow the people with tech jobs because I am interested as to how I can incorporate tech more efficiently into my classroom. I follow the others because, like the first 3, they post helpful links, but they serve niches that I have worked with before. I tagged two educational blogs, one for the Library Student Journal Editors and the other for Teacher Reboot Camp. I joined the Library blog to get addition support showing students sites where they can get research for their papers done. I choose the Reboot blog to get ideas for new ways teachers are using technology and reminding myself to "reboot" my previous misconceptions about technology. Lastly, I choose George Lucas' Educational Foundation's website. It provides tried and true resources that have worked and can be duplicated.

I joined Classroom 2.0, it's a social network primarily for educators who are interested in learning more about Web 2.0 and Social Media in education. I watched the video on Staten Island Green Charter School for Environmental Discovery. The idea was to create a K-8 school that is pollution free, uses interactive white boards, gives kids a chance to develop spiritually and offers PE classes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Journal 5: Harness the Power of Technology (NET-S 3, 5)

Duncan, A. (2011, June/July). Harness the power of technology. Learning & Leading with Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from

Arne Duncan's article was a call to action for teachers to stop thinking of technology as an add on to lesson plans and rather as an essential component to them. Students learn best when they have good teachers and access to technology, not one or the other. Technology is a great way to get students who may not be traditionally interested in reading to explore other forms of online reading outside their texts. As new teachers who use the NET-S, we are there to help teachers who made be afraid of new technology. The U.S. Department of Education's five goals to advance ed tech are learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure and productivity. The government is pushing for states to raise their standards to better prepare students for work in the 21st century.

Question 1: How would creating a PLN co-inside with the Dept. of Ed's plans?
The government wants teachers to use social media to develop online personalities; their version is called Connected Online Communities of Practice. The goal is for teachers to share practices, access experts and ultimately solve problems with resources that were previously unavailable.

Question 2: What is the digital divide and how is it being addressed?
Many students in rural or urban areas or with disabilities do not have access to internet in their homes or high speed internet in their schools. Obama has set the goal for 98% of the country to have access to available broadband in the next 5 years. The FCC has also changed their E-Rates in an effort to reach more students.

Journal 4: One Size Never Fits All (NETS-T 1, 2, 5)

Courduff, J. (2011, June/July). One size never fits all. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from

Jennifer Courduff discussed the benefits of incorporating technology into Special Education programs. She said that at first teachers were placed on a 3 year goal plan to learn new technology and apply it in their lessons. After observation, the district found that it takes longer than 3 years to actually apply what teachers have learned into their curriculum. This system was then replaced with tiers that do not have fixed time limits. Tier 1 is a beginning level of training, Tier 2 is intermediate and Tier 3 is advanced. Courduff said that many students are now meeting IEP goals faster than in the past. She credits the speech to text and text to speech features on computers as being essential for students who have difficulties writing stories. She also discusses one student who recorded his voice onto his PowerPoint presentation so he didn't have to speak in front of the class, but was still able to meet the requirement.

Question 1: Why are teachers so hesitant to incorporate technology into their classrooms?
I think the main issue is confidence. If teachers don't understand the basic technological functions of a program, how can they explain how it works to their students? As we have discussed in class, there are many online tutorials for free on YouTube and the sites that design the technology. You can also use your students as a resource, as younger generations are often more computer savvy.

Question 2: Why does one size not fit all, technologically speaking?
The spectrum of students physiological, social and emotional is too broad. The author emphasized that teachers must match specific tasks with technology tools that engage students. For example, some students benefit more from the use of headphones.

Journal 3: Abracadabra–It's Augmented Reality! (NETS-T 1, 2)

Raphael, R. (2011, June/July). Abracadabra–it's augmented reality!. Learning and Leading with Technology, 38(8), Retrieved from

Raphael Raphael talked about an emerging technology called augmented reality. He gave examples such as the first down line that appears on televisions when you are watching football games and the ghost that appears next to you in the mirror at the Haunted Mansion ride. He illustrated the process in photos, but I must confess I am still a bit unclear as to how certain end products are created. I guess the best way to learn is to test it out myself and later with my class. I found it interesting when he mentioned that a lot of new technology is created during economic downturns such as sound in film. He also talked about the future of mobile apps that can allow people to see where tweets are coming from. I wonder if Foursquare uses this technology when people check in places?

Question 1: What is a project you could have students use AR for?
I could have students design scenes from stories they read and have them recreate the setting using AR to get certain points to pop out. I could also have students create a pop-up book using ZooBurst.

Question 2: What is ZooBurst?
ZooBurst is digital storytelling tool that allows people to create 3D books. It is a great way to express complex ideas. It has a classroom management version for teachers that allows you to edit content settings and it's free.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal 2: Join the Flock (NETS-T 5)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

   Hadley Ferguson, a Pennsylvania middle school teacher, focused on the basic functions of Twitter in her article. She went step by step in a graduated level of exposure to explain to potential users how to effectively use Twitter. There was also a helpful glossary of Twitter terms. The information helped me to understand how Retweeting works. I knew what it means to Retweet someone, but didn't know how to do it. Retweeting is similar to citing someone's work you are using; it gives credit to the person for posting their link, thoughts or other useful information. Twittiquette similar to nettiquette, shows people that you appreciate what they posted and are reposting it in an effort to reach more people who could benefit from the information. Desktop platforms such as HootSuite and TweetDeck are organizers tweeple can use to translate tweets from foreign languages, which is so cool!

Question 1: Is it hard to get in depth insight from 140 characters?
I feel like it is hard to go into any depth with Twitter since you can only include 140 characters in posts and messages. I get the impression that Twitter is more about giving people resources so that individuals can do more research on their own. The idea is that Twitter is a microblog. Basically, it cuts out the fat and only gives you the most essential stuff. It has drastically changed how people get their news, both foreign and local.

Question 2: To what extent should you remove yourself personally from your Twitter postings?
If you are using Twitter for your professional life it is recommended to spend 10% of your time on trivial life details. This becomes increasingly difficult for today's youth where the lines between professional and private life have been blurred. Often it is recommend to keep two separate twitter accounts, one for work and one for your personal life. In some cases, people will run the schools' or business' account so their professional account is already established. Still it is important to establish an identity since many people are not able to meet their followers if they don't live in the same community.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Journal 1: 100 of my favorite things :)

1. Teaching
2. Learning
3. Meeting New People
4. Travel
5. Surfing
6. Kayaking
7. Snorkeling
8. Swimming
9. The Beach
10. The Color Blue
11. Smashball
12. Sunshine
13. Reefs (real ones and the sandals)
14 San Diego
15. La Jolla Cove
16. Grandview
17. My Brother
18. My Friends
19. Bubble Baths
20. Warm Towels
21. Pedicures
22. Weddings
23. Dancing
24. Laughing
25. Photography
26. Editing
27. Architecture
28. Libraries
29. Reading
30. Memoirs
31. Concerts
32. FM 94.9
33. The Radio
34. Rubber Soul
35. Google
36. The Internet
37. South Park
38. Modern Family
39. True Blood
40. Renting DVDs In Person
41. Snail Mail
42. Farmers Markets
43. Chocolate
44. Dessert
45. My Birthday
46. Cooking
47. Potatoes
48. Sourdough Bread
49. Honey Wheat Berry Bread
50. Bacon
51. Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese
52. Green Grapes
53. Greek Yogurt
54. Chinese Food
55. Mexican Food
56. Mexico
57. Speaking Spanish
58. Barcelona
59. Tapas
60. Hash House A Go Go
61. Balboa Park
62. Cabrillio National Monument
63. Del Mar Fair
64. Roller Coasters
65. Hot Air Balloons
66. Hybrids
67. Bicycling/Beach Cruisers
68. Volleyball
69. Mission Bay
70. San Francisco
71. Will Ferrell
72. Anchorman
73. Costumes
74. Opera
74. AmTrak Surfliner
75. Hammocks
76. Politics
77. Bill Maher
78. SDSU
80. UCSB
81. Maps
82. Public Transportation
83. Iyengar Yoga
84. Snowboarding
85. Hiking
86. Okapis
87. San Diego Zoo/Wild Animal Park
88. Board Games
89. To Do Lists
90. Irish Accents
91. French, French-Canadians, French-Americans
92. Germans
93. German Shorthaired Pointers
94. Huskies
95. Cats
96. Wrist Watches
97. Surprises
98. Cultural Exchange
99. Asking lots of ?s
100. Volunteering

Monday, July 11, 2011

Say Hello to Alex Jones

   My name is Alexandra Jones, but I go by Alex. I was born in Berkeley, but my parents moved down to San Diego when I was 1. All of the schools I attended from kindergarten through 12th grade were in Poway Unified School District. I went to Painted Rock Elementary, Twin Peaks Middle School and Poway High School. I went to Cal State Fullerton freshman year and decided that school wasn't for me. Sophomore year I attended Grossmont College and got my Associate's Degree. Junior and senior year I went to San Diego State, where I majored in journalism and minored in Spanish. I also have a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate through SDSU's Extended Studies Department.
   I am somewhat comfortable with computers; I love the internet, but get frustrated with all the technological changes sometimes. My family got our first computer when I was in 6th grade, before that we used a typewriter (I hated the eraser strip). I didn't become an efficient typist until 9th grade when I took a keyboarding class, I guess all those Tut's Typer lessons in elementary school just didn't cut it. I started off as PC user, but now have a MacBook. In college I took a website design class, but decided that graphic design wasn't for me. I helped launch the Union-Tribune's Street (arts and entertainment) Blog as an intern for their Features/Night&Day section. I created a Twitter account a few months ago, but don't use it that often, I feel like people can just check my Facebook status if they want to know what I'm up to. I go on YouTube to watch videos, but don't have an account with them. I just got my first smart phone this past year and have been enjoy the perks such as being able to instantly upload photos, gps and accessing to the internet from anywhere.
   Cal State San Marcos, though much smaller in terms of programs offered and attendance than my alma matter has always been known for the quality of its Education Department. I ultimately want to teach in San Diego county, which is one of the reasons why I want to make connections with local schools and be a part of the College of Education's program. I have not applied yet since I plan to start a Single Subject Credential program next fall, but can appreciate the mission statement. All my life I have attended public schools and believe they are the best and most affordable option for families. I believe the only way to achieve social justice is through ensuring that all students get access to high quality teachers; I want to be a part of a program that will give me the skills I need to confidently help my students succeed. I am dedicated to helping close the achievement gap (which is a long uphill battle) and promoting diversity in my classroom (if everyone came from the same background it would be so dull). I can also appreciate CSUSM's commitment to lifelong learning, since I constantly strive to learn new things every day and work toward self improvement.